Thursday, September 20, 2012

Local designers swoop on fashion festival

Local designers swoop on fashion festival

This year, One Fell Swoop - a relatively unknown West Australian label - kicked off the show, hot on the heels of winning plaudits in Singapore.

One of the label's co-designers, Nina Ergic, says the amount of recognition they've received is overwhelming.

"We haven't had this much press, awareness or exposure in general - forever," she said.

Part of that exposure is thanks to international socialites like Marie Choo, a freelance writer for fashion powerhouse, Nylon magazine.

Ms Choo says after showing in Singapore earlier this year, One Fell Swoop hit the catwalk running.

"Singapore is the gateway to Asia for fashion, so by showing in Singapore I think more people are aware of the brand so when I write about it, or go back, more people are aware of the brand."

The festival's director, Mariella Harvey-Hanrahan, agrees.

"We took them to Singapore, and everybody loved them, they loved the aesthetic," she said.

"I think it's opened a lot of avenues; they were written up by many national magazines and international magazines."

Local designers are a big focus this year, an unusual move for a small fashion festival which would usually rely on well-known names as a drawcard.

Organisers say it is a sign of the greater prominence Perth designers have gained.

A prominence One Fell Swoop is hoping to cash in on.

"It goes hand in hand, whether you first have media awareness internationally, nationally or locally, it all helps itself, it kind of follows through," Ms Ergic says.

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